Darla Dumler

Darla Dumler
Darla Dumler

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Difference is My Gift

One of our strongest human desires and needs is to belong to a family or group. We often want to hide our differences or to morph ourselves into what we perceive the group accepts or wants to ensure we will belong. When we don’t fit into the group we are splintered with rejection and a false belief there is something wrong with us.  In other words, we believe our difference is bad. 

I have struggled against my uniqueness in the past. I’ve felt deserted, invisible, and in despair. Now I see God made each and every one of us wonderfully different on purpose! He’s given each of us gifts to serve Him and others. God specifically states we were all created to be different because we all have a different place and function within the body or family of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:15-25). 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.

Maybe one of my gifts is to let others know they are not alone.  No matter how unique they are or what they have done in the past, with Christ they are welcomed, hurts are healed, and they are made new. He loved, accepted and welcomed the murders, thieves, prostitutes, and liars while He walked this earth. And He loves you. Your sinful past or current condition doesn’t condemn your future when Christ is in you.

Our creator made us all different but with equal importance. Many have seen and still see the difference of love, grace, and mercy in Christ as a weakness. Yet for these reasons He was able to endure the pain and suffering of the cross to ensure we would have eternal life. Often our differences in looks, abilities, and talents have the potential to give us the confidence to illuminate this dark world.
When we accept God into our hearts, we are instantly adopted by the King of Kings and belong to the family of God. We don’t need to strive for the approval of other humans but only for the honor of our Father God and King, the keeper of eternity (Galatians 1:10).

Am I now trying to win human approval or God’s approval? Am I only trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. While I serve Him on this earth, I won’t allow Satan or others to tell me my differences make me an outcast.  I know I have a place, importance, and purpose. The creator of the universe loves me and accepts me; therefore, I will love and embrace myself. 

It’s up to each person to embrace and learn about our gifts and how we can use them. Will we choose to embrace our uniqueness and love ourselves and serve God and others; or will we spend our life trying to be something we aren’t and end up with bitterness, resentment, and revenge. Will we end our life with joy and contentment that we used our uniqueness to better the world or will we die with regrets and anger? What will you choose?

Friday, June 24, 2011

See You Soon

On Monday my Father and Mother in law buried their daughter. She had been ill for many years but the pain and sadness makes my heart hurt. We rejoice in the fact that she is not suffering any longer and one day we will be with her again. This song is met to comfort Jai's family and friends.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pure God Love

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

Bob’s girlfriend had an abortion because her father demanded it. Bob was upset and decided to use his right of free speech. He posed for a pro-choice poster and held an empty blanket with the saying, “Don’t let this to happen to you.” I was asked what I thought about Bob’s right to free speech.

Freedom is a privilege, and a privilege carries responsibility. Just because you have the ability to say or do something, doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to say or do. I believe there is no free speech. All words have life or death in and attached to them. Every word spoken is subject to a good or bad consequence.  We either build one another up or tear one another down. I empathize with the man’s sadness, but he fails to have compassion for his girlfriend. She obeyed her father, and she will most likely feel the pain and loss in her heart until her last breath. Now, because of his poster and free speech, he has publicly humiliated her while she was already brokenhearted and bleeding. Where is his love?

In the end it doesn’t matter about my opinion. What matters most is what God says in His word regarding how we must love one another and ourselves, it is the second greatest commandment. The man’s statement and action doesn’t fit any description of love in the Bible, nor does it fit the dictionary definition, “to liberate and release from pain or unpleasantness.” I would like to think he reacted without taking into consideration all the ripple effects and damage it would create for his girlfriend. Often in our own pain we react and don’t think. God calls us to stop and go to Him so we can choose how to act in love, even when we are in pain, instead of just reacting. Jesus showed us on the cross this could be done, and our pain is nothing close to His.

We all need love, compassion, mercy, and grace. God says we will reap or receive what we sow (Galatians 6:7). I pray and set out to intentionally sow seeds that will grow life, love, joy, and peace. I desire and aim to think of others when I make a decision to stand up and make a statement of my character.

I wonder if we set out every day to show pure God love if we would receive it? What do you think?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

To Lead or Follow

To avoid chaos there must be a plan, order or system.
I don’t have the perfect knowledge, wisdom, and power God had when He made the world. He spoke all that is into existence and it worked the first time. Sometimes I have trouble finding the right words or speaking them.
It comforts me to know God has the ultimate plan and He knows what’s best for me. I’m challenged by my human pride, my spontaneous nature, and my desire to take control and lead. Instead of seeking Him first and looking for His soft guidance along the way, I have found myself alone and frantic because I ran ahead. I have learned I can’t put God in a box and carry the box to my destinations, thoughts, and plans without trouble. He cannot be an after-thought. My life is not all about me but about the God who created me. I must trust Him and let Him lead me; I must follow with great anticipation of the good plans He has for me. God lead the Israelites through the desert by a cloud in the day and by fire at night. As I have learned to trust and follow God more with age, my spirit is at peace even in the midst of a storm.
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21
Trust and follow God and you will see the good He has planned for you.
What chaos have you experienced lately because you want to lead?