Darla Dumler

Darla Dumler
Darla Dumler

Friday, February 24, 2012

Our Weakness

We all have a weakness. Satan knows them, too, and he is patient and persistent to start the groundwork for temptations that appear and feel good.  We discover they cover a barbed hook that gets lodged in our flesh. The only way the hook loosens is through the power of Jesus Christ. 

We, too, must be persistent and constantly pursue a personal relationship with Christ through prayer, praise, music, and studying his word.  Joyce Meyer says, “Our battlefield is in the mind,” and I find that to be true. The creator of the universe has given us the weapons to fight our spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6:10-18.
No matter how long we have known God, we all have a weakness Satan relentlessly pursues. His whole purpose is to get us to doubt God, turn away from Him, and live in our flesh. This process happens little by little until one day we wake up to find ourselves encased in arrogance or self destructive behavior (this is pride either way).  We are empty inside, alone, bitter, addicted, and caught in an ever spinning wheel of sin, shame, regret, and trying to escape by our own power.

The only way to freedom, the only way to fight the war, is through Christ. We do not have the power or wisdom to wage the war between our flesh and spirit on our own. It’s like taking a knife to a machine gun fight. It breaks my heart to see people, especially famous people, being deceived by Satan to believe the drugs or other forms of escape they are offered will help them. I know from experience when you look only to yourself and have no one to help ground you to Christ and His example, you are walking into battle naked and unaware. Cling to Christ, your rock, savior, and defender. He is the only way truth and life. 

 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
   where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
   the Maker of heaven and earth.
 3 He will not let your foot slip—
   he who watches over you will not slumber;  Psalm 121:1-3 NIV
                   *      *      *
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
   don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
   he's the one who will keep you on track.
Don't assume that you know it all.
   Run to God! Run from evil! Proverbs 3:5-7 MSG

Who is your wisdom and strength in your battles of the flesh?

Saturday, February 18, 2012


It’s a great feeling to climb to the top of a mountain and see the amazing view. Many times in my life I have experienced the same elation and freedom after Jesus has helped me pass through a storm in life. It may last a few minutes, weeks, or even a season. But, the reality of living on this earth keeps reminding me that this is not our home. We will never live in pure jubilation until we are in heaven with Jesus. I’m so grateful earth is not as good as it gets. 

Now I view my life as a journey with a specific path for me. To reach my full potential and complete the part God has designed for me to play, I must be diligent to keep moving forward. I realize this means I will be on the mountain tops but I will also be in the valleys, deserts, plains, and bogs. My journey is not about my comfort and happiness. It’s about showing others the love of Jesus through my service, words, and attitude.
In my early Christian state, I thought that because I was a child of God I would have an easier life. This thought was prideful and rang with a sense of entitlement. Who am I to think I will avoid temptation, trials, and pain when the savior of the world didn’t? 

As my relationship grew with Christ and I discovered who I am in Christ, I realize God can only work through me when I am willing to love and serve others no matter how I feel. When Christ works through me I learn to care, listen, and serve others without benefit to me. 

I have determined in my spirit not to let fear or the pain of the past keep me from experiencing walking on the water, parting my seas, or witnessing God’s miracles. I will persistently pursue the commands, precepts, but most of all the character of God Jesus himself modeled for us. I will not back down and shrivel up only to look back on my life with regret and disappointment. I will finish my race well and then I will enjoy eternal ecstasy with God in heaven.

How do you see your life’s journey?

Monday, February 6, 2012

New Buds

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17

A soft breeze caressed my face on my beautiful sunny afternoon walk. The kiss of the sun on my stale winter face infused my flesh with warmth and promise. Right about now the winter starts to feel like a cage, and yet there is faith and anticipation for the coming spring and newness of life waiting around the bend. 

I noticed the trees shared my faith and anticipation with the formation of the first signs of their buds. They have their hard protective casing intact, but I can see the new life that is to come. I, too, feel new life in the living God who dwells in my heart. His promises are ever new and His word is life giving. 

I asked God to help me see this new promise everyday and never lose sight of the new buds He’s continually forming in my life. I pray God will let your heart and soul feel and see the newness He’s creating in you too.
Take heart for this weather season or spiritual season of cold and dark will pass. Let not your heart be troubled. God is going before you. He will never leave or forsake you, do not be afraid or discouraged sons and daughters of God.

What are some of the new buds forming in your life?