Darla Dumler

Darla Dumler
Darla Dumler

Monday, April 11, 2011

Break Through

Have you ever noticed how plants can break through blacktop and cement without hands or tools?

Somehow they know they must push on to survive. Once they make it through their barrier, they don’t know their life or outcome. They may not get enough water or sun or they may get cut off or trampled, and yet they still grow and push forward. It takes deep roots to give them the determination and energy to grow no matter what comes their way.
I pray God gives me their same determination, strength, and faith to grow no matter what barriers come my way. When I have looked to my own power to break through something in my life, it didn’t end well. In fact, some of the consequences from my decisions and actions will last for the rest of my life.
I, like the plants have an innate drive to keep pushing on through my own limited wisdom and power or through faith that God knows what’s best for me and He will lead me and guide me when I listen. I am either growing and pushing onward or giving up and dying. To ensure my best life, I choose to be deeply grafted in God so I can have the tenacity and endurance to love others and myself no matter what comes my way.  This is just what Jesus says in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” I am living proof of this scripture. Even though I bear the pruning scars of the bad decisions and actions in my life, I am now experiencing and celebrating the fresh fruit and love through Christ. We can all bear good fruit. It just takes one decision, to follow Christ.
What barriers have you pushed through in your life?

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